Fundy Designer Tips

Upselling Albums with Design Proofer

April 04, 2017

There will be times when you are unable to present your album designs to clients in person. Maybe because your clients are remote or you haven’t set up your studio and/or presentation area just yet.

That’s why we created a cloud-based online proofing system, Design Proofer. It’s the easiest alternative to presenting albums in person and still getting those approvals and album upsells. Thousands of photographers around the world use Design Proofer easily proof their albums and sell more photos and/or spreads in their albums.

© Danny Dong

The process is simple: design a beautiful wedding album for your couple, upload it to Design Proofer, and then ask them if they’d like the album as is (with the extra spreads you designed), or ask them if they would like to take some photos out. 

Of course, you can’t just surprise your clients with an upsell. That would be a bait and switch. 

It’s best to let clients know ahead of time that their package includes X number of photos or pages in the album. That way, you can design more and most clients will choose the spend the extra money for the extra photos or spreads.

If you have a client who is waiting on their album, let them know that you had a hard time fitting their wedding story in the album included in the package and that you’ve designed an extra X pages for them. Ideally, you would do this over the phone so it isn’t a surprise to them.

Now, the easy part – sending them the design. Once you’ve designed the album in the Fundy Suite, click the export icon and then click Export for Proofer. 

© Jessica Hill Photography
© Jessica Hill Photography


Once the Proofer export has finished, you’ll be prompted to log into Design Proofer. Click yes. Next, create your new proof and upload your spreads it to the Design Proofer. 

Finally send your link to your clients and explain the options available to them, such as adding comments and approving the album proof.

One Fundy Suite user just utilized a similar technique to make an extra $1,800 on an album upgrade. Give your clients some options and not only will they love you for it, your business will love it too. 

Design Proofer is part of Pro Enhancements. Learn more here.

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