
Tip • A Guide To Bigger Album Sales

August 10, 2015
TOTW High Profit Album Sales Newsletter

My good friend, G.E. Masana (and Fundy Software customer), recently released a nuts and bolts e-book on increasing album sales. If you see even a 10-15% increase in your album sales, this e-book pays for itself. 


The Basic Philosophy

1. Charge by the image – This is based on the simple fact that if given the choice many clients will just cram more images into a page to avoid paying for extra pages – which is what many photographers do. It is also harder for clients to say no to specific images than page designs.

2. Show the design as soon as possible – The client must see the album design while the memory of the day is still alive. Right after the honeymoon or within a week or so after the wedding.

3. An album must be included – All of your wedding packages must start with a basic album. From ZERO to full album is too hard. Small album to larger album is an easy sell.

4. Monetize the images – Images must have a value associated with them to add and subtract from the album.


There’s More

I don’t want to give away the entire philosophy, but it is full of common sense ideas, and it works. You don’t have to follow the guide line-by-line, but even if you implement a few tips to increase your album sales, G.E. Masana’s e-book pays for itself.



Click here to learn more or purchase.



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