Fundy Designer Tips

Save the Date Cards = $$

February 23, 2023

Earn More with Save-the-Date Cards by Fundy Storyteller Chad Winstead

As photographers, we often focus upselling on albums or wall art, but we shouldn’t neglect save-the-date cards! Not only are these cards a great and free way to market our work – they also open up the door to upselling other products. Fundy Ambassador, Chad Winstead, shares tips on how to use save-the-dates to make more money and more business.

Structure Your Business for the Upsell 

We offer three packages for weddings: basic, standard and premium. 

The standard and premium come with an engagement photo session and 100 save-the-date cards. Since most couples (pre-Covid) were inviting 150+ people to the wedding, there was an automatic upsell with the cards. Ordering the extra 50 cards to the original package will generally cover the cost to purchase all 150 cards, allowing us to make a profit. 

Another way to upsell is to offer to print a guest book for their wedding that features their engagement photos. While not all couples will upgrade with the book or extra cards, it introduces them to the sales process they will go through after the wedding. 

Save-the-Date Cards = Free Marketing 

Save-the-date cards are a great way to get our name out there. Work with the couple and use Fundy Designer to design the cards, but always make sure to include your logo and contact information on the back! 

These cards will go out to 100+ family and friends, which is a great way to showcase our work. Essentially this free marketing will expose us to potential new clients, some of whom may be getting married in the next year. 

Offer a Quick Turnaround 

We want to be the Amazon Prime of Save-the-Date cards so we offer printing in-house, which makes the turnaround time quick. Oftentimes we can have the cards shipped out the same day. While some photographers may not be able to offer printing directly from their studio, several photo labs offer fast printing and shipping. Millers Lab and Bay Photo Lab can respectively have items to clients within 3-4 days. Showcasing and delivering quality cards in a timely manner makes it more likely that clients will purchase more spreads, prints and wall art after the wedding. 

Do it all in Fundy Designer!

Need a quick and easy video to show you how to design your first card? We got you: Design Cards Video

New to Fundy Designer? Get started with our free trial! Ready to try the latest version of Fundy Designer? Click here to purchase or upgrade to Fundy Designer v10!


Do it all in Fundy Designer!

New to Fundy Designer? Get started with our free trial! Ready to try the latest version of Fundy Designer? Click here to purchase or upgrade to Fundy Designer v11!

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