
Photoshop User Magazine Review of Album Builder!

July 01, 2011

The results are in and Photoshop User magazine has given Album Builder 4 out of 5 stars!!  Reviewed by Larry Becker, he writes, “Album Builder is like having an assistant inside Photoshop while you work.” He gives us props for how Album Builder is a great time saver, allowing users to manage covers, pages and spreads, and dynamically creating new ones. Then users are able to output “perfectly sized, cropped JPEG files, ready for uploading to your favorite lab.”  He adds, “if you simply spend 20 minutes or so watching the free setup and usage videos on Fundy’s site, you’ll be setting parameters and designing album pages faster than ever.”[break]

Thanks Photoshop User magazine, we think we have a pretty amazing product, too.


Highlights include:


–Our users build pages “in a fraction of the amount of time it would normally take” [break]

–Album Builder takes care of the mundane steps so users can “focus on which images should be on which page” [break]

–If users are designing multiple albums a month, they’ll “easily save enough time on each album to justify the investment” [break]

Take a look (we’re on page 112, if you’ve got the hard copy)! [break]

The fifth star?


It looks like that fifth star is missing because of the lack of templates. I wish we could have gotten them v3.7.5 with dynamic templates before the review was written. That might have give us the elusive fifth star. There’s always next time. I hope you enjoy the review, we sure did.





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