Fundy Designer Tips

Keys to a $10K+ Sale

October 05, 2021

You may have seen photographers post within the Fundy Designer’s Storytellers group on Facebook, sharing about how they sold a $10.000+ album or wall art sale and wondered just how they did that. We’ve partnered with Storyteller, Makayla Jade, of The Harris Co. and the Printographers Society to explain how she accomplishes this regularly. 

Key 1: Prepare and Communicate

Laying the groundwork ahead of time is key. Over communicate!! Make sure the clients know what to expect, and that they will love their images more than they think! Communicate the value of the album and wall art throughout your entire relationship, from before you pick up the camera until after you’ve completed the shoot. Say phrases like, “this shot will look great in your album” or “these photos would look amazing as a wall art collage.”

If you’re selling virtually, try to minimize distractions or “hurdles” by getting the client excited and prepared. Let them know, “this is cause for celebration, we are going to relive your amazing day, pop the champagne, turn off the notifications, and make sure you’re viewing on the biggest screen possible”. 

Key 2 – Predesign Huge Albums and Wall Collages

If you allow them to envision having IT ALL, they will want it all, but if you never give them the opportunity, you’ll likely never get the sale. Use the auto design feature in Fundy Designer to lay out a 200+ page album and then micro adjust pages, retell the very best story for the client. Quick Design Picker and Drop Zones make it easy to get just what you want in a few seconds on a spread. Clients will feel comfortable taking spreads out, but they’ll leave in a lot more than they take out. 

Key 3 – Make it seem normal to spend a lot

Once we “normalized” the concept of multi-volume wedding albums, we started regularly selling multi-volume wedding albums. You need to make it a normal part of your business to sell big, multi-volume albums and wall collages. Use a great album company that has many unique products, like Miller’s Lab. The more normal it becomes for you and your clients the more it will happen. And when your next potential clients see these pieces of art in their friends’ home, they’ll want to it for themselves as well. 

Key 4 – Don’t be afraid to get a little sappy

Remind them that this is not just a book, this is a treasure that will only appreciate more and more as time goes by. People will invest in the things they care about and some people find it easier to “justify” the higher cost when it’s consider a “gift” for their future children or grandchildren. Use the emotional music built into Fundy Designer to tap into your clients’ inner desires. My favorite song built into Fundy Designer is Wedding Song 2. I’ve even joked that I want it played at my funeral since it has made me so much money. 

Key 5 – Stay cool

Make sure you confidently read off the final price point like it’s no big deal. My favorite transition is, “your total comes to $10,000 and I can take your card whenever you’re ready.” If you get all quiet and nervous when you read the total to the client, they may have second thoughts. One of they key things to remember is that your clients are borrowing confidence from you to make big decisions. 

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