Fundy Designer Tips

Jen Rozenbaum’s Secret Tips to Increasing Boudoir Album Sales

August 25, 2022

Albums are the bread and butter of Boudoir photography, making up to 70% of total revenue. However, it can be challenging for boudoir photographers to put together an album, let alone sell to clients. Nikon and Fundy Ambassador, Jen Rozenbaum, shares her secret tips on how to increase boudoir album sales

Work Smarter Not Harder

There are two ways to guarantee photographers are working smarter, not harder: 

  1. Shooting for the album – Before the camera is even picked up, think about what the album is going to look like: Do we plan on having a centerfold spread? Will we end with a butt shot (it is the ending after all)? These are important things to know before we begin a shoot.

  1. Using Fundy Designer’s Auto Design Feature – Instead of spending hours in front of the computer pre-designing an album the client might purchase, Fundy Designer’s Auto Design feature creates a stunning album in minutes that we can show the client immediately. 

Give the Client Time to Gain Confidence 

It’s important to keep the risqué poses and lingerie for the end of the shoot. When clients first come in, they tend to be nervous. They have their hair and makeup done and are wearing beautiful lingerie, but are still camera shy. The more photos we take, the more comfortable the client becomes. Their faces will start to relax and they will begin to actually feel sexy!

Make Sure You Have Variety

With wedding albums, it’s all about telling a story while providing variety, the same is true for boudoir albums. So how do we create variety during a boudoir shoot? Through changes in clothing, lighting and poses. Most boudoir photographers will work out of a studio where the number of sets are limited- that’s where lighting adjustments come into play. 

Turn down the lights or have the client stand near a window with natural light, this will provide variation. The different outfits and poses will also increase diversification. In the end, take between 150-200 carrying photographs, all so they can pick 20-30 of their favorites. 

Don’t Be a Sleazy Salesperson 

No one wants to walk out of an album design session feeling icky- including photographers. We aren’t there to ‘upsell’ the client, that’s what our photos will do. We want them to fall in love with the images, so that when we put together an album it’s a must-have for the client. In the end, we are an ally and photographer, not a sleazy salesperson.

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