Fundy Designer Tips

Feature – Infinite Undo Stack

June 23, 2014

We know you’ve been waiting a bit too long for the Undo in Album Builder, but we wanted to do it right. We’re happy to announce that in the June 18 free update to Album Builder, you now have a sophisticated undo stack. This undo and redo stack will be live in the new Blog Collage v6 and Image Brander v6 as well.


Keyboard Controls

On the Mac, you’ll want to use the Command(⌘)+z keys to undo something. Or use the Shift+Command(⌘)+z to redo something. On the PC, you’ll want to use the Ctrl+z to undo and the Shift+Ctrl+z to redo. Additionally you can use the Edit menu.




The Stack

What is an undo stack really? It sounds like mumbo jumbo. Really, it is much like the history in Photoshop. It can undo repeatedly back to a certain state. So, depending on what you did and where, you might be able to undo up to 20 or 30 steps and then redo all of those steps.


How Far Does It Go

The undo stack is basically live within one view. For example, if you are on a spread in Designer View and make 20 changes, you can undo all of those changes. But, once you go onto the next spread, all of those changes are locked in. You can’t re-open a spread and make undos. In the Planner View (all the small spreads), you can make changes to multiple spreads, delete spreads, etc. and use the undo for all of those actions.


Let’s See It In Action

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