
Featured Photographer: Arising Images

March 05, 2012

Michigan wedding photographers Prem & Cheridy Mukherjee are our latest to be featured and we are excited to share their talents with you. These world travelers make up Arising Images studio and their images show off their love for life and the special moments they like to capture. You can tell that they like to have fun and they love their line of work. We do, too.

Let’s take a peek…

How did you get started in Photography?:

When I had my day job, I spent lots of time using my vacation days to travel around the world and take pictures.  I loved it!  Landscape and travel photography is where it all started and then we slowly incorporated photographing people and within a few years that became our full-time business.

What has contributed to your success?:

Lots of hard work, long hours and tremendous blessings with the right clients coming along just when we needed them!

What is the most important thing for your continued success?:

My efficient work flow is what helped us to become so profitable because I was able to get work done in a timely fashion leaving more time for other jobs and projects.

What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received?:

Two things:
1) Spend as much time working ON your business as you do FOR your business.  If you don’t spend time on improvement, you will quickly get left behind.

2) You are not your own client so don’t base your rates on what YOU would pay but rather what THEY will pay.

What is most important in your photography?:

Our business is here to provide financially for my family and to produce additional income that we can use to make an impact for less fortunate people around the world.  The photography itself is just a tool to help us achieve those goals.


For more on their beautiful work, check out the website here. Or, visit the blog here.

Arising Images studio also produces a lot of awesome training videos. To check them out, click here.

Thanks for sharing!



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