Fundy Designer Tips

Feature – Lush Albums

August 11, 2015
Lush Albums FOTW V

One of the key benefits of Fundy Designer is the ability to order some of the best products in the world, without ever leaving the application. This week we’ll be showing off one of the album lines you can order within Fundy Designer – Lush Albums, which was created by Tamara Lackey and produced by Finao

In a growing field of album and lab options, what makes Lush special? I’ve spoken personally with Tamara about this, and there were three distinct areas where she wanted to see something that didn’t exist in the market.

Cover Materials

The first area is cover materials. Each and every one of these materials is soft, approachable and fits into modern home decor. These albums look fantastic sitting on a coffee table or end table – you could probably leave one of these albums lying on a table at Crate & Barrel and it would look fantastic.

L1040604Below are all of the cover types available:


Fine Art Paper

Tamara Lackey really wanted a paper that matched the feeling of the cover options. All prints are made on fine art paper with a very, very subtle protective coating. You can feel the softness of the paper when you touch it. I’m a huge fan of fine art paper.


To Make a Difference

Adoption and helping orphanages are very near and dear to Tamara’s life. She’s working with Beautiful Together to both make adoption easier and also to make orphanages overseas healthier and safer. 10% of every album order goes to Beautiful Together. This is a great gift to the world’s children.


Who Is Lush For?

For family and children’s portraits, Lush Albums is a no brainer. But this album line also fits very well for weddings or boudoir.


How To Design and Order

It’s as simple as choosing Fundy Direct for your album type and then choose Lush Albums. Once you are finished with your design, just click Order. It all happens right within Fundy Designer, making it super easy.


Get Started

If you don’t see Lush in your album options or you are new to Fundy Software, just head on over to our download page to get started or download the latest version.


Do it all in Fundy Designer!

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