Fundy Designer Tips

Feature – Easy Client Changes in Album Builder + Proofer

June 01, 2015

Drop Zone® technology in Album Builder and Client Tagging in Fundy Proofer create a powerful one-two punch. Simply view the client tagged change in Proofer and instantly make the change to your album in Fundy Designer. In just minutes create a new client revision or export your album to send for print via your lab or send the album directly from Fundy Designer.

Getting The Changes

There are many ways to proof an album. If you use the Fundy Proofer, your changes come back tagged as comments by the clients.


Changes Made Easy in Fundy Designer

To make client changes easier, I always turn on the file names feature and sort my thumbnails to only unused images.

toggle on

Here is the result, you can see the file names on the images and also see ONLY the unused images.

toggle result

Then Just Make The Changes

This video shows how easy it is to make the changes. It also shows the real power of our patent-pending Drop Zone® technology. Only Fundy Designer can make changes like this.


Used In This Video

If you are not already using Fundy Designer and Fundy Proofer, you can learn more by clicking on the preceding links.


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