Fundy Designer Tips

Fundy Direct Live with ProDPI

March 17, 2015

We’ve been working diligently on Fundy Direct, a free service for all owners of Fundy Designer. We’re excited to announce we’ve launched the optional public beta with our first lab, ProDPI. Starting today you can design a ProDPI album and order it directly through Fundy Designer. You in? Download our optional public beta here.

Extremely Easy

It’s extremely easy to order your ProDPI albums. Once you are done designing, just click “ORDER.” Watch how easy it is.


Get Started Today

For Fundy Direct orders, we’ve selected the most popular ProDPI sizes. For a list of those sizes, please click here. Any album you’ve already built can be easily converted to a Fundy Direct album size. If you’ve already built a ProDPI album in Fundy Designer, you can easily convert it to a Fundy Direct album:

1. Download the version of Fundy Designer that includes Fundy Direct here (you will not lose your projects with this new download)
2. Load a ProDPI album
3. Click Order – you will receive a prompt to convert that album to a Fundy Direct album
4. Select your new ProDPI album size and Fundy Designer will reformat your album
5. Click Order and follow the ordering prompts

If you’re starting a new album, simply follow the steps below:

1. Download the version of Fundy Designer that includes Fundy Direct here or via the button below (you will not lose your projects with this new download)
2. When you start selecting Album Type, choose Fundy Direct
3. Choose your size and design your album
4. Click Order and follow the steps to complete your order

We hope you love it!

[button size=’large’ type=’normal’ border_color=” color=” background_color=’93a53b’ font_style=’normal’ text=’Download Here’ link=’’ target=’_self’]


Additional Album Companies & Labs

We’ll be continuously rolling out new labs this year including Renaissance Albums, Finao, Miller’s Lab, Lush Albums, Black River Imaging and Bay Photo. Stay tuned for updates.



Our support team is here to help with any questions or feedback you have about the public beta. Please submit a ticket to them here.

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