Fundy Designer Tips

Auto Design an Album in Less than 5 Minutes

February 16, 2021

See how David Stanbury Designs & Proofs an Album in Under 5 Minutes

Fundy Designer is the software that makes Storyteller, David Stanbury, more money than anything else in his business with easy album design and online design proofing. Discover his tips to designing two albums with the auto design feature to create bigger sales. 

Using auto design, David creates two albums within minutes for his clients to then review. Starting with a 30-page auto designed album, he uses all the photos his client has personally picked and stays within the original album order. David then designs a second album where he will use however many pages and photos needed to tell his client’s story. 

The easy to use proofer then presents both albums for his client to review. As the client watches the story unfold in front of them, they can make any changes or comments directly on the album.  

As they review both albums, they will see that the second album has more detail, is more intimate and tells a story. Giving a reason as to why they can’t refuse these pages, making it easier to upsell without the client feeling pressure to buy more. 

So easy, so fast, so profitable. Watch how David does it below. 

Do it all in Fundy Designer!

New to Fundy Designer? Get started with our free trial! Ready to try the latest version of Fundy Designer? Click here to purchase or upgrade to Fundy Designer v10!


Do it all in Fundy Designer!

New to Fundy Designer? Get started with our free trial! Ready to try the latest version of Fundy Designer? Click here to purchase or upgrade to Fundy Designer v11!

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