Fundy Designer Tips

Audrey Woulard’s 4 Tips to Selling Senior Albums

September 02, 2022

For most senior portrait photographers, selling an album to their client isn’t something that initially crosses their mind. Many photographers believe high school parents are only interested in wallet prints, but albums are a way to keep those memories alive long after the senior graduates. 

For Fundy Storyteller and Nikon Ambassador, Audrey Woulard, album sales make up 80% of her revenue with 100% of her clients choosing to purchase one. Audrey shares her 4 tips on how she successfully designs albums that sell for the Senior Market. 

1. Shoot for the Album 

During the session, shoot with the album in mind. Think about how these photos are going to tell a story. Try to look at the scene from the parents perspective, focus on what they will remember. This is important as they are the ones making the purchase.

2. Offer Variety 

Since senior photos are shot portrait style, it can be hard to provide variety. There are only so many shots you can take with a senior: smiling, not smiling, tilting head, etc.

In order to avoid having too many similar photos for the album, have the senior bring multiple outfit changes and choose different locations to shoot at. If unable to change locations, mix up the focal length to allow for a variety in shots. The goal is to have enough diversity in the photos that they can’t say no, the album now tells a story and shares a memory.

3. Sell Online

After editing the photos, provide the client with a link to view their gallery. Don’t allow them to purchase anything directly from the link and have it be only viewable for a specific amount of time. Ask the clients to pick their favorite photos and once they have selected their favorites, set up a time to get on Zoom to discuss the possibilities of an album, wall art and cards for purchase.

4. Use Auto Design Software 

Depending on how busy we are, Fundy Designer’s Auto Design feature can be a real lifesaver. During busy times, designing an album from scratch can be an impossible task that only adds stress to a photographer’s already full plate –  Auto Design can cut an hours long project down to just 10 minutes or less. It’s a quick and an efficient way to produce a quality album our clients will love without all the issues that can arise from designing.  

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