Fundy Designer Tips

How to Achieve the Perfect Work-Life Balance

June 06, 2022

Photography isn’t just about taking photos. It involves editing, album design, print ordering and so much more! Storyteller Dave Shay found himself working 70+ hours doing everything on his own, sacrificing his personal life and no longer finding joy in the job that he loved. After realizing something needed to change, Dave discovered 4 ways to automate his workflow within Fundy Designer.

1. Auto Design 

I used to spend hours on Photoshop, with almost over 60 hours of editing weekly. After implementing Fundy Designer’s auto design feature into my workflow, I now create albums within minutes. I only spend about 5 hours a week editing albums now, saving time while making more money. 

2. One-Click Skin Retouching 

With the one-click skin retouching feature, I can focus on producing great images instead of spending endless hours of editing. I’m able to retouch an entire wedding within seconds with just one click, saving me hours of time spent in Photoshop and Lightroom.

3. Room-Views

The pre-designed templates, wall collections and stock room options in the Design Library make it straightforward and easy to design beautiful wall art in minutes. I don’t have to sacrifice my time finding options and can even upload images of my client’s actual space. Once clients see their art on walls – they buy more.

4. Direct Order 

With Fundy Designer’s direct ordering process everything is streamlined. Review your album and make sure the lab, book line, album size, cover and page count is correct. Click the “Complete Order” button after the files have finished uploading, this will launch the Direct shopping cart where you will select your finishing options and pay for the album. I save a minimum of 15 minutes per order and if I make 40 orders a year, that’s more than a week of my time that I get back. It’s so easy and simple!

Do it all in Fundy Designer!

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Do it all in Fundy Designer!

New to Fundy Designer? Get started with our free trial! Ready to try the latest version of Fundy Designer? Click here to purchase or upgrade to Fundy Designer v11!

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