There is a tendency for photographers to have a simple 8.5×11 pricing sheet on white paper as a download for potential customers. Our feeling is this creates a few problems. First of all, it encourages clients to focus on price first, not on quality. Secondly, we feel that having a simple white, one-page price sheet detracts from your brand.
Free Pricing Guide Template
Hoping to get you started in the right direction, we’ve created a template just for you.
Template Preview
Start with one big image and your logo. Template colors are changeable.
Next, include a table of contents to let clients know what is included.
Then, create a place to define who you are and what makes you different than the competition.
One of the most important parts of your business is to define to your client why you are doing what you are doing. If you don’t know how to define your why,
please watch this video.
Now, make a place to show off your products. Getting clients excited about products is a great way to increase your post sales.
A professionally designed package layout, with highlighted target packages, will drive clients to your sweet spot. Feel free to move the color highlight to whatever package you want to focus on.
A call to action to meet you is necessary.
Also include a call to action to visit your website, blog or Facebook page.
How to Use The Template
Download Here
We hope that this template helps you in your business and inspires you to connect better with your clients.