
Tip of the Week – Getting Albums Approved (a.k.a. bribing brides)

October 29, 2012

We all know that holiday deadlines are coming fast for album companies. We also know that whenever there is a deadline, brides are going to wait until the very last minute to finalize their albums. It happens every year.

From a business standpoint, the more albums you can clear off your list, the better. 2013 is just around the corner, and the more you have to dip back into 2012 image files, the more it will take away from your business momentum. Let’s get those albums off the books.

So how do we get brides to finalize their albums early so we don’t end up scrambling at the last minute? Lie? Cheat? Steal? No, of course not. I think just a little bit of lying and tad of bribery go a long way here.

A White Lie

If your album company’s deadline for sending in an album is Dec. 5, make your submission deadline Nov. 30. Give yourself a few extra days just in case something goes wrong–it always does. Maybe your kids get sick, maybe another deadline shows up, whatever. Give yourself some extra time.


Bribery just works. It works with me all the time. Whether from a co-worker, my wife or my kids. People offer me something in order to get me to do something? I’m in? Donuts? All the better.

Offer a small gift to any client who finishes approving their album before Nov. 15th. There are a ton of great photo gifts out there.

Metal Ornaments from ProDPI

• iPhone cases

• 25 free holiday cards

• a mini album

• anything that clients will love.


It’s always a huge headache for everyone. We get panicked calls every year to help people design their albums as fast as possible. Start early and get those albums to the album companies.

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