
Featured Photographer • Wouter van Twillert of Yes I Do

September 04, 2014
newyork woutervantwillert grandcentral wedding picture

Raised in a large family in a small fishing village, Wouter van Twillert always had a passion for the arts. He originally went to school for graphic design and was hired by MediaMonks, working there for 10 years and helping them grow that company. He was then free to pursue his passion of photography and started Yes I Do Photography. Wouter says he loves the whole wedding experience and is thankful to be where he is. He’s also a big supporter of the new Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography Awards, honoring photographers from the Netherlands four times per year. Submissions are now open here for the next round of awards.


How did you get started in photography?

Since the day I can remember, I have been interested in design and in becoming a graphic designer. I graduated as a designer and worked for 10 years in the advertising industry for MediaMonks. So I am used to seeing composition, shapes and creating aesthetically appealing imagery. From that interest grew the interest in photography and using the design principles in photography.

I got my first real assignment when my sister got married and asked if I could take her wedding pictures. It was a real eye-opening experience, and since then I was drawn to wedding photography. Since 2011 I started taking it more serious and started my business, Yes I Do. I built a brand and learned a lot about photography and finding my own style and vision. I am really thankful to all my clients for having the trust in me so I could quit my day job this May to become a full-time photographer. It has been awesome so far, and I have a feeling it’s only getting started for me.

What has contributed to your success?

I put a lot of hard work and time into my photo assignments. I usually shoot weddings, and building a good website and brand has been one of my priorities, besides creating stunning images of course. My mantra for some time was “creating awesome pictures, and show them to a lot of people.” I try to push myself every wedding or photo shoot and I am my own worst critic. Being competitive is also one of the reasons I try to get better every time. Finding my own visual language and sticking to it is also an important thing for me.

What is the most important thing for your continued success?

Hard work and devotion. Because I work full time on photography I can get more things done and focus all my energy into the thing I truly love doing: photography.


What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received?

“You’re too cheap.” Haha – it’s sad but true.

What is most important in your photography?

Doing something I love, which truly contributes to peoples’ lives. Creating a visual heritage for my clients is something that still keeps me going. Also doing something good, which really contributes to peoples’ lives. Photographing a wedding for me is in essence a celebration of life. I love life, and I love love. It’s great that, even though I’m only with them for one day in their lives, I can have a real contribution to their lives and memories. Which evolve around true love. I am really thankful for that!

Tell us more about why you’re excited about the Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography?

I really support this new Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography Awards which is founded by wedding photographers. It’s an award by photographers and for photographers, which is a very good base. I really hope this continues raising the bar for wedding photography in the Netherlands.


Yes I Do is an Amsterdam-based wedding photography studio and open for destination weddings. High-five Wouter on Facebook or Instagram.

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